Njihuni me Ekipin
Ekipi Ekzekutiv
Jacqueline Kapaj-Vieira
Bashkëkryetar dhe Drejtor Arsimor
Jacqueline Kapaj-Vieira është Bashkë-Presidente dhe Drejtore Arsimore. Ajo themeloi dhe themeloi Shoqatën e Edukatorëve Shqiptaro-Amerikane në shkurt 2015._cc781905-5cde-bad3195c me përvojë si edukator dhe ka server sistemin arsimor të NYC në shumë kapacitete të ndryshme: si mësues, administrator, zhvillues profesionist dhe koordinator programi. Ajo aktualisht është Zëvendës Drejtoreshë në Bordin e Arsimit të NYC.
Genta Gusho
Bashkë-President dhe Program Director
Genta Gusho është Bashkëpresidente dhe Drejtore e Programit. Ajo u diplomua në Universitetin e Tiranës për fizikë dhe vazhdoi arsimin e saj në SHBA dhe u diplomua nga_cc781905-5cde-3194-sachussb35Instituti of Technology with a Masters in Engineering. Ajo është një mësuese e matematikës dhe fizikës AP në Distriktin Shkollor të Greenwich-it dhe një profesoreshë ndihmëse në Universitetin e Zemrës së Shenjtë. _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-f13d
Ardiana Adili
Ardiana Adili, AQP shërben si Thesarare dhe pjesë e Bordit të Drejtorëve. She lied Tags: duke i shërbyer komunitetit dhe lokalitbizneset për 6 vjet. Ajo filloi karrierën e saj si kontabiliste mbi 13 vjet.
Ekipi arsimor
Shpend Xani, History & Culture
Mr. Xani is a Shakespeare theatre grad with a Master of Fine Arts degree in Classical Acting from The George Washington University/Shakespeare Theatre in Washington, DC in 2017. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Acting from Millikin University, Illinois in 2002 & an Acting Degree from University of Prishtina, Kosovo in 1999. As a teaching artist his focus and passion has been teaching theatre, art, public speaking and communication skills to different age groups. He has performed in numerous theatres and films in US and abroad.
Romelda Barhani, Language
Mrs. Barhani holds a Master of Science Degree in Communication Sciences/Public Relations from Beder University, Tirana in 2015 and a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Communications from University of Tirana in 2013. Mrs. Barhani has over 4 years’ experience specializing in curriculum design and coordination in permanent commission for guaranteeing institutional quality standards and study programs in the Law Department of Beder University. She also has extensive training on understanding student’s learning difficulties for better teaching practices.
Focus: Language Teacher
Violeta Lamnica, Asst Teacher
Violeta Lamnica holds a Bachelor Degree in Education from Hunter College and is Licensed from New York State as Assistant Teacher. She currently enjoys working with students at a Public School in Bronx NY. She focuses on small group activities and hands-on learning experiences. Violeta has interests in multiple curricular areas and inspires and encourages students through experience and commitment to reach their full potential and be the best they can.
Lumturie Memia, Asst Teacher
Lumturie Memia holds a Bachelor and Master Degrees in Albanian Literature respectively from University “Luigj Gurakuqi” in Shkoder and University of Tirana. Lumturie has 22-years teaching experience from Albania. She recently moved to USA and received Assistant Teacher License from NYC Department of Education in 2018.
Her lifetime experience as an educator has shaped many young minds and aspires to continue to do so. Lumturie is highly respected by her peers and the community and has become a role model to many.
Ekipi i vallëzimit
Angjelina Nika, Choreographer
Mrs. Nika brings a lifetime experience to Albanian folk dance and choreography. She has dedicated her life to teaching and not as just dance but as a spiritual and cultural experience while preserving the history, virtue, and sentiment, step-by-step, for future generations. Mrs. Nika was born in Tropojë, Albania, and moved to NY in 1997 where her success only flourished further.
Zana Lukaj, Dance Assistant
Arbana Grembi
Kevin Hoxha